Monday, July 22, 2013

Tutankhamen Speaks

I'm excited to announce the publication of my short historical fiction Tutankhamen Speaks.

When we visited Egypt in 2008, I fell in love with and lost part of my soul to Egypt. Since then, I've read all that I can, fiction and non-fiction, set in or dealing with ancient Egypt. When the King Tut exhibit was in Denver in 2010, I went three times! We also went to hear Dr. Zahi Hawass' lecture.

Some of my favorite reads:

Beneath the Sands of Egypt by Archaeologist Donald P. Ryan; non-fiction

Omm Sety's Egypt By Dorothy Eady; a memoir

Discovering Tut-ankh-Amen's Tomb edited by Shirley Glubok; non-fiction

The Lost Army of Cambyses by Paul Sussman; fictional series

Tutankhamen Speaks is the basis for my current Work-in-Progress Sons of the Sphinx. 

A peek at Tutankhamen Speaks:
Hundreds of years ago, scrolls that would alter the view of Ancient Egypt's most famous pharaoh were lost. Rumors through the ages said the scrolls told of a time that the Pharaoh Tutankhamen spoke from beyond the grave. No one who heard of these scrolls believed that the scrolls had ever existed.

Then following the Arab Spring in 2011, S. L. Wood, an Egyptian scholar, made an amazing discovery in the basement of the Cairo Museum.

Read the story from the lost scrolls that recorded the Boy King's words from beyond the grave.
An excerpt:
Dear _________,

    Long ago the old texts of Ancient Egypt alluded to a scroll in which King Tut spoke to the people from beyond the tomb. Many archeologists put this down to an incorrect translation of the ancient Egyptian texts. Others swore to accuracy of the translation. None of that mattered though because the scroll in question could not be found. Scholars labeled it a hoax, something that never existed. It was ludicrous to imagine someone speaking from the grave. They were wrong on both accounts.
    While helping to clean out a basement room in the Cairo Museum after the Arab Spring, I found an old scroll wrapped in linen and stuffed in a box. Upon further examination of said scroll, I decided to translate it myself, being, as you know, an expert in Egyptian hieroglyphs and scripts. What I found convinced me that this was the missing scroll of Tutankhamen’s voice from the grave.
    The condition of the text varies from well-preserved to hardly able to read. In several instances, large chunks of the text were totally eroded away. Some entries had only a beginning sentence or two while others had no ending. It was the details given that convinced me that King Tutankhamen did indeed speak from beyond the tomb, from the Land of Everlasting Life. But I will leave you to decide for yourself. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. If you agree with me, I urge you to publish what I have sent so that the world can see this important time-altering work.

Yours Sincerely,
S. L. Wood 

Tutankhamen Speaks is currently available only as an eBook on Amazon.

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