The Princelings of the East Series
Book Tour
About Author Jemima Pett:
I’ve been writing since I was 8 years old. I still have a small booklet I found in my mother’s box of treasures, written in a very childish hand, entitled The Little Stream. It reads very much like the story of Smetana’s Vltava, or The Moldau as it was called when I was young, so I must have been into classical music at an early age (I blame my brothers’ influence). My early fiction attempts failed for want of suitable inspiration: I couldn’t get characters or plot that seemed interesting, and my first attempts were derided by a ‘friend’. I had the bug for writing, though, and wrote articles and event reports for newsletters and magazines whenever I got the opportunity. My career in business and in environmental research kept me chained to a desk for many years, but also gave me the opportunity to write manuals, reports, science papers, blogs, journals, anything and everything that kept the words flowing. Finally the characters jumped into my head with stories that needed to be told….
I now live in a village in Norfolk, UK, with my guinea pigs, the first of whom, Fred, George, Victor and Hugo, provided the inspiration for the Princelings stories.
The Princelings of the East Series
Book 1—The Princelings of the East
Genre – MG/Fantasy/Scifi
Publication Date – November 2011 (paperback June 2015)
Length (Pages/# Words) – 158 / 37,300
Publisher – Princelings Publications
Cover Artist – Danielle English
Book 2—The Princelings and the Pirates
Genre – MG/Fantasy/Scifi
Publication Date – January 2012 (paperback June 2015)
Length (Pages/# Words) – 181 / 39,000
Publisher – Princelings Publications
Cover Artist – Danielle English
Genre – MG/Fantasy/Scifi
Publication Date – January 2012 (paperback June 2015)
Length (Pages/# Words) – 181 / 39,000
Publisher – Princelings Publications
Cover Artist – Danielle English
Book 3—The Princelings and the Lost City
Genre – MG/Fantasy/Scifi
Publication Date – May 2012 (paperback June 2015)
Length (Pages/# Words) – 270 / 58.600
Publisher – Princelings Publications
Cover Artist – Danielle English
Genre – MG/Fantasy/Scifi
Publication Date – May 2012 (paperback June 2015)
Length (Pages/# Words) – 270 / 58.600
Publisher – Princelings Publications
Cover Artist – Danielle English
Book Synopses
Princelings George and Fred leave the security of their isolated castle to solve the problem of the Great Energy Drain, meeting the dubious businessman Hugo, the young barkeeper Victor, the impressive Prince of Buckmore, and other movers and shakers. Who should these two innocents trust? Their wits and teach other, for sure, but when something comes between them, each is left to his own devices, and some of those devices are very strange indeed – and time is of the essence.
The Princelings and the Pirates shows our heroes, Princelings Fred and George, enjoying life with their inventions at Castle Buckmore. Oblivious to the kidnap of a princess from Chateau Dimerie, they are despatched there by Prince Lupin to discover why the wine hasn't been delivered and solve the case of the missing messengers.
What follows is the stuff of nightmares. Captured by pirates, sent off on different ships, Fred endures hardship and shipwreck while George has a dangerous night escape. They discover treachery at their home castle, and lead the people they have rescued to safety, only to end up fighting for their lives in the Battle of Dimerie.
What follows is the stuff of nightmares. Captured by pirates, sent off on different ships, Fred endures hardship and shipwreck while George has a dangerous night escape. They discover treachery at their home castle, and lead the people they have rescued to safety, only to end up fighting for their lives in the Battle of Dimerie.
The Princelings and the Lost City is the completion of the trilogy. A mystery is uncovered in the Prologue (which is unravelled in Book 5), then the story moves to more familiar territory as our heroes, Princelings Fred and George, wait at Castle Buckmore for the arrival of Princess Kira from Dimerie in a flying machine. George's power plant invention is overtaken by his enthusiasm for flying, but Fred is upset by Kira's strange behavious after the visit a legendary 'lost' castle in the middle of a forest.
What is the secret of the Lost City? Are the old wives' tales, of a civilisation ruled by females where no male dare set foot, true after all? Will Fred and his friend escape with their lives? How many times can Princess Kira be kidnapped in one story? The path of true love runs anything but smoothly in this tale of love, bravery, cruelty and loss.
What is the secret of the Lost City? Are the old wives' tales, of a civilisation ruled by females where no male dare set foot, true after all? Will Fred and his friend escape with their lives? How many times can Princess Kira be kidnapped in one story? The path of true love runs anything but smoothly in this tale of love, bravery, cruelty and loss.
1 x $25 gift card/PayPal cash (paypal cash is much easier for me to deliver)
1 x set of the six Princelings of the East paperbacks
5 x 1 signed print of a chapter illustration of the winner's choice (approx. half letter-sized/A5, unmounted)
Here is an exciting excerpt from Book 3—The Princelings and the Lost City
A strange noise crept into their consciousness, a sort of buzzing. It changed tone, skipped a beat and sometimes stopped altogether. The princelings looked out, straining to see what was making the noise. Fred stared down the road as far as the bridge; George gazed up into the sky as if he was dreaming.
“There ….there..they..ther….” he stuttered and pointed for Fred to locate.
“What?” said Fred, following the direction and wondering why he was pointing into the sky. There was some sort of bird flying towards them.
“I w-wond-ered … a ffly-ing ma-ma-sheen.” In his excitement, George was having trouble getting any words out at all. He slipped off the window seat and went over to a pile of papers beside his bed. He selected one near the top of the pile and brought it back to Fred.
“M. Bleriot demonstrates flying machine at Fortune,” read the headline. Underneath was a picture of a very dashing French person with a helmet and goggles standing next to a funny tube with two boards sticking out of it on either side.
Fred glanced at it, held it close to look at the machine in more detail and dropped the paper to look at the sky. A very similar machine was now approaching the last stretch of road before it turned to come into the castle itself.
“Oh my goodness,” said Fred, his eyes wide in panic. “She’ll be killed!”
“There ….there..they..ther….” he stuttered and pointed for Fred to locate.
“What?” said Fred, following the direction and wondering why he was pointing into the sky. There was some sort of bird flying towards them.
“I w-wond-ered … a ffly-ing ma-ma-sheen.” In his excitement, George was having trouble getting any words out at all. He slipped off the window seat and went over to a pile of papers beside his bed. He selected one near the top of the pile and brought it back to Fred.
“M. Bleriot demonstrates flying machine at Fortune,” read the headline. Underneath was a picture of a very dashing French person with a helmet and goggles standing next to a funny tube with two boards sticking out of it on either side.
Fred glanced at it, held it close to look at the machine in more detail and dropped the paper to look at the sky. A very similar machine was now approaching the last stretch of road before it turned to come into the castle itself.
“Oh my goodness,” said Fred, his eyes wide in panic. “She’ll be killed!”
Links for Jemima & The Princelings series
The Princelings of The East
Book Depository PB
The Princelings and the Pirates
Book Depository PB
The Princelings and the Lost City
Book Depository PB
The Princelings and the Pirates
Book Depository PB
The Princelings and the Lost City
Book Depository PB